A beautiful front door greatly improves the appeal of your home. It is essential to use the correct hardware to adequately decorate it.

There are numerous choices available when it comes to selecting door handles. To bring down the choices to a manageable number, deciding on a budget is the first thing you need to do; and that goes for everything, not just door handlesKeep in mind though, you will get what you pay for.

Selecting a Brand

There are various brands available when it comes to purchasing door hardware.

Low Budget Brands

For those on a tight budget, brands like Kwikset and Schalgeare decent choices. These brands offer quality hardware along with warranties on most product designs and finishes.

Emtek – A Balance between Price and Quality

Brands like Emtek serve as an ideal solution for those who are willing to spend a little more. Emtek offers a wide product range with a huge variety of styles and designs. The company offers custom assembled hardware that is shipped from the factory to the dealer within 1 to 2 days. Most of the hardware is made of solid brass and bronze.

Rocky Mountain and Baldwin – Top Quality Hardware

If you are willing to pay for top quality hardware, brands like Rocky Mountain and Baldwin are the undisputed kings.

Baldwin Hardware offers an extensive range of premium designs and finishes. For handcrafted products with a more rustic feel, Rocky Mountain would be a good choice.

Excellent quality and durability are hallmarksoftheir products.

Types of Door Handles

It is essential to make sure that you select the right type of handle to fit your door. There are two common types of hardware that are available – Cylindrical and Mortise. Each requires the door to be prepared differently for them to be installed.

Installing a Mortise lock is often technical, requiring precise measurements.The handles call for a pocketat the door edge.  It is best to have an experienced professional do the installation for you.

Cylindrical locks are the most popular type of door hardware. They usually require two holes to be drilled into the face of the door and are simpler to install than mortise handles. There are three types ofcylindrical locks available; one piece handlesets, sectionalHandle-sets and ¾ handle-sets. All of these locks are fitted using the same technique and door preparation guide.

It is essential that you select your door handle depending on your style and fitting procedures, keeping all the relevant factors in consideration. The information here should help in that regard.

We are a one stop shop for all you door hardware and decoration needs. We carry the best brands to ensure quality. In addition to kitchen cabinet hardware, we also offer other hardware including a wide range of Door Knob Sets, Handle Sets, Door Lever Sets,Electronic Locks andDeadbolts. Our Accessories Section includes House Numbers and Mail Slots,Door Bells and Door Knockers, Switchplates as well as Door Pulls, Flush Bolts, Kick Plates and more.

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